Online Hearing Test
Take Our Free Hearing Health Check
We have partnered with Tuned, a platform that is accessible on all devices to deliver a quick, easy, and free way to find out how well you are hearing.
The online hearing test can identify early trends in your hearing health. It takes just a few minutes and can highlight any hearing challenges you may have.
You just need some headphones and a calm and quiet spot to take the test.
Whatever your results may be, I am here to help! You can call me at (812) 532-3011 if you have any questions. Or maybe you are ready to schedule an appointment you can click here to fill out our online form.
Ask Dr. Person
Apple Officially Announces a Hearing Test and Hearing Aid Feature | What This Means
Yesterday (September 9, 2024), Apple held an online event to make a number of announcements about their next generation of iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods. Having shared that Apple was rumored to be launching a 'Hearing Aid Mode' earlier this year, we watched with...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Children: The Silent Epidemic
While many of us believe that hearing loss comes along once we hit a certain age bracket, it’s important to know that hearing loss challenges can affect anyone of any age – including children. Genetics, infections, and medication side effects can contribute to...
Are You Too Young to Have a Hearing Loss?
If you’re reading this, perhaps you’ve noticed some struggles with your hearing recently: turning the TV up louder, asking loved ones to repeat themselves, missing instructions at work… It’s frustrating, isolating, and worrying to realize that you might need help with...