The Biggest Mistakes That People Make When Buying Their Second or Third Pair of Hearing Aids

04/06/2024 | Hearing Aids, Patient Resources

The Biggest Mistakes That People Make When Buying Their Second or Third Pair of Hearing Aids

If you’re looking into getting your second or even your third pair of hearing aids, it’s understandable that you might be a little overwhelmed. Technology changes quickly—and with other clinics offering all sorts of benefits at different price points, it’s hard to know which is best. 

At Flex Audiology, we offer an “unbundled” approach; rather than getting hearing aids along with a pricey plan of included features, you get your hearing aids outright and pay for other services as you need them. Simple as that! 

As an experienced hearing aid wearer, the beginning stages of wearing them are likely long behind you. That includes a lot of services that we offer to first-time wearers, like service plans, regular appointments, and the hand-holding that some people need.  

There’s no shame in needing some extra help—your first pair of hearing aids marks a big change in your life! However, if you’re on the lookout for your second or third pair, you already know what you’re looking for, what you need, and what works best for you and your hearing needs. 

When it comes to hearing aid technology, you know as well as we do how quickly it evolves over time. If you got your first pair of hearing aids 10 years ago, technology has changed in leaps and bounds since even then!  

With bundled plans, hearing aids come with several benefits, like unlimited maintenance visits, ear cleanings, dryer systems, Bluetooth troubleshooting or loaner devices.  Since you’re looking into a second or third pair, rather than your first, you may not need those services as often.  

The one thing you won’t need to think about when getting your next pair of hearing aids is the concern of paying for services that you won’t use. 

Flex Audiology allows you to find your perfect hearing aids and get them outright, while adding only the services that you want. That way, you’ll get the devices that work best for you, as well as the added services that you know work best for you and your hearing. 

You know what you and your ears need the most—we’re here to support you, however we can. 

Flex Audiology Is Here to Help 

Whether you’re on your second pair of hearing aids or researching getting another pair for a loved one, Flex Audiology can help you find the perfect devices for your hearing needs, as well as take good care of your overall hearing health. 

If you have questions or concerns to do with hearing care or hearing aids, or if you would like some advice about your unique needs, please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch with you with the information you need.

Looking for New Hearing Aids

If you’d rather not wait, you can always call our clinic at (812) 532-3011. 

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Dr. Person Au.D

Dr. Person has been a private practice owner since 2005. She currently specializes in hearing aids, tinnitus management and vestibular diagnostics, while operating in an unbundled service delivery model. Dr. Person is the host of The Unbundled Audiologist podcast. She serves as the incoming VP of Audiology for ISHA for a three year term. Her greatest accomplishment is creating a life where she can serve others while still spending quality time with her husband and two small children.
