Meet the Winner of our Hear for the Holidays Giveaway

06/09/2022 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss, Patient Resources

Meet the Winner of our Hear for the Holidays Giveaway

Not long ago, we encouraged local people to take part in our Hear for the Holidays competition.

It gave one special person the opportunity of a lifetime – a free pair of hearing aids and access to our ongoing audiological care. All you had to do was fill out a simple form on our website, explaining why your loved one deserves to win.

After reading through all the nominations, we were truly in awe at the compassion many of you felt for your loved ones.

Hearing loss no doubt has a profound impact on someone’s quality of life, and we feel so honored to be in this position of giving and able to make a difference.

With that said, we are pleased to announce the winner of our 2021 Hear for the Holidays giveaway as…Bill!

Our winner, Bill:

Bill Brogle was nominated by his mom, Merrilee. She has witnessed the slow deterioration in his hearing over the years and was desperate for our help.

At 56 years old, Bill has suffered with a hearing loss since he was 6 years old and has spent most of his life caring for his special needs son, Dylan.

With finances tight, Bill and Dylan live each day on a budget, taking each day as it comes.

Just recently, Dylan was diagnosed with a mental illness. Since Dylan is of adult age, they are not allowed to push him into accessing help.

It’s fair to say that the majority of Bill’s time is taken up by caring for Dylan, but with a hearing loss, there is an added pressure.  

Merrillee said, My oldest son Bill is doing all he can to be totally committed to his son with the handicap of a great hearing loss. He works hard and I know he would be so thankful for the gift of hearing aids.

“No matter what happens, I praise the LORD for what you are doing, giving a gift to someone in need. What a BLESSING for someone.

“Thank you for the opportunity to enter this wonderful blessing.”

After reading Bill’s story, we felt obliged to help and invited him into the clinic for a comprehensive fitting of his new hearing aids.

It may have taken slightly longer for Bill to get fitted since a member of his family caught COVID-19, but we are happy to say that they have now recovered.

When it came to the reveal, Bill was lost for words and couldn’t believe his mom had nominated him for Hear for the Holidays.  

Moments like these resonate deeply and remind us why we love what we do so much. Not many people get to say that they change lives every day!

A thank you on behalf of the team at Flex Audiology for your continued support – you’ve all been incredible.

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Dr. Person Au.D

Dr. Person has been a private practice owner since 2005. She currently specializes in hearing aids, tinnitus management and vestibular diagnostics, while operating in an unbundled service delivery model. Dr. Person is the host of The Unbundled Audiologist podcast. She serves as the incoming VP of Audiology for ISHA for a three year term. Her greatest accomplishment is creating a life where she can serve others while still spending quality time with her husband and two small children.
