The Best Strategy For Encouraging A Loved One To Have Their Hearing Tested

12/19/2022 | Hearing Test, Patient Resources

Hearing loss can be a challenging condition to deal with. It alters a person’s lifestyle and is hard to come to terms with because of the associated misconceptions and stigma related to hearing aids.

A person with a hearing loss usually adapts a lot easier than those close to them. They are dealing with their challenges daily and learn ways to get used to the changes in their hearing.

As a loved one, you may notice these changes – especially if you’re the one compensating for their hearing loss.

It’s essential to offer support and avoid alienating your loved one. While it may be tempting to provide humor, this may cause your loved one to become more secretive about their condition and isolate themselves.

The best way for a loved one to address hearing loss is to start with a comprehensive hearing assessment.

But first, it’s crucial for you as their loved one to understand the information around hearing loss so that you can offer compassionate and empathetic support to get them where they need to be.

1.  Do Some Background Research

If you are approaching a loved one about their hearing loss for the first time, it would be best to arm yourself with some facts about hearing loss in general.

Most people with a hearing loss have already recognized their condition, and it may be hard to get them to see it in a new light. Being able to present real-life statistics will help educate them and let them know they are not alone.

2.  Show Compassion

Resistance from the person you are trying to help is very normal. Most of us are rarely open to the idea of getting help right away. Once your loved one sees how helpful and caring you are, they will be more receptive to taking your suggestions.

It’s hard enough with their hearing loss that they don’t need to feel attacked. Keep your patience and avoid getting emotional.

3.  Take Action With One Of These Strategies

  • Offering to go with your spouse or loved one to a hearing assessment. Or even get one for yourself as well. This will help bring down the barriers in the situation and let them understand that the situation is affecting both of you.
  • Encouraging them to visit a hearing care professional to answer their questions/concerns.
  • Address your loved one during a moment of peace and quiet. Avoid having this conversation in the heat of the moment.
  • Inform them that better hearing leads to less dependence on others.
  • Show them facts about how hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline, dementia, and other serious health problems.

4.  Use Nearby Resources Provided By Professionals

If you know your loved one’s primary physician or another trusted healthcare provider, recruit them to help encourage a hearing assessment because their credibility can go a long way to help your cause.

Getting a hearing assessment is a painless and non-invasive way to get the details about your hearing status. We want to see how you hear and know exactly where the issue is before diagnosing.

Even if you have never had problems, establishing a benchmark is a great way to ensure your hearing is always in top form.

The Best Next Steps

We are always here to help. My team and I have helped thousands of patients in Indiana overcome the fear and stigma associated with hearing healthcare. We’ve heard all the responses a patient can have.

If you would like to discuss approaching your loved one in more detail, please give us a call anytime.

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Dr. Person Au.D, CCC-A

Dr. Person has been a private practice owner since 2005. She currently specializes in hearing aids, tinnitus management and vestibular diagnostics, while operating in an unbundled service delivery model. Dr. Person is the host of The Unbundled Audiologist podcast. She serves as the incoming VP of Audiology for ISHA for a three year term. Her greatest accomplishment is creating a life where she can serve others while still spending quality time with her husband and two small children.
