Inspiring Stories from Our Patients | Why You Should Seek Out Hearing Care

02/16/2024 | Patient Resources

Why You Should Seek Out Hearing Care

For a lot of people out there with a hearing loss, the hardest part is starting their hearing healthcare journey.

Whether due to cost concerns, worries about feeling old with hearing aids, or ignoring their hearing loss challenges entirely, people can often wait up to a decade before seeking out assistance for their hearing loss.

If you suspect you have some form of a hearing loss, you’re not alone. The fact that you’re here reading this is already a great step in the right direction toward better, healthier hearing.

We asked some of our patients to share their stories: when they realized they had a hearing loss, what their experiences at Flex were like, and their thoughts after receiving their own personalized, unique hearing care and hearing aid technology.

Our first story comes from Vicki, whose husband is also grateful for our help.

“I first realized I had a hearing loss when my husband complained about the TV being too loud or having my friends repeating what they had said,” Vicki says. “Then I realized I must have a hearing problem. I felt like, okay, I have been warned!”

Vicki’s first impressions of Flex Audiology were three key words that we aspire to be every day: clean, friendly, and compassionate.

“Before hearing aids, my volume on the TV was 20,” Vicki continues. “Now, with the hearing aids, the volume is at 12. I was so amazed, and my husband was so thankful that I have hearing aids.”

Vicki highly recommends Flex Audiology to her friends and family.

Next, we asked the proactive Edwina to share her experience with Flex.

“I didn’t have any concerns prior to my appointment,” Edwina shares. “It was time to do something about my problem.”

Edwina first noticed her trouble hearing when she visited her daughter – she and her family spoke very quietly, and the TV was on a low volume. “I could not hear anything. I decided it was time to do something about it. I was missing out on a lot.”

Edwina is very grateful for her hearing aids, and she was impressed by our office and the warm welcome she received before her first appointment.

“I would advise anyone who is considering an appointment that they should do this for themselves and will be happy they did! I feel very confident and relaxed wearing hearing aids.”

Edwina wishes she had sought out hearing care earlier – she’s glad to be able to join in the conversation again.

Finally, we have Jhon, whose concerns were very relatable.

After constantly asking people to repeat themselves, Jhon realized he had a hearing loss challenge – but didn’t seek out care for ten years.

“Before my appointment, I was concerned about getting old!” Jhon tells us. “People seeing me wear hearing aids! Embarrassing!”

He came prepared to his first appointment with a list of questions that Dr. Person happily received and answered thoroughly.

“Dr. Person was great! She did an extensive hearing exam and explained what she was doing! She made me comfortable, as I was a little anxious at first!”

Jhon loves being able to hear properly, especially since his daughter no longer complains about his hearing. He highly recommends Flex Audiology.

How Flex Audiology Can Help You

Each year, millions of Americans get their teeth cleaned, their eyes tested, and their annual physical test – but hearing assessments often fall by the wayside.

We have the equipment and expertise to help you with personalized, professional hearing care that fits your unique needs.

If you have questions or concerns about hearing care, please feel free to request a callback; a member of our team will call you back with more information.

Can’t wait? Contact us today to schedule an appointment – we’re looking forward to meeting you!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment

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Dr. Person Au.D

Dr. Person has been a private practice owner since 2005. She currently specializes in hearing aids, tinnitus management and vestibular diagnostics, while operating in an unbundled service delivery model. Dr. Person is the host of The Unbundled Audiologist podcast. She serves as the incoming VP of Audiology for ISHA for a three year term. Her greatest accomplishment is creating a life where she can serve others while still spending quality time with her husband and two small children.
