Why Is ‘Speech In Noise’ Testing So Important?

12/11/2021 | Patient Resources

Why Is ‘Speech In Noise’ Testing So Important

Separating sounds is something that happens naturally. We do it every day without consciously thinking about it at home and at work.

This is one of those amazing things that our brains can do.

The most common example of this occurs at restaurants. While you’re seated at your table having a wonderful conversation with your company, your brain is filtering out everyone else’s voices around you.

It’s also muting the music, sounds from the kitchen, or anything else going on so you can focus on your conversation.

Is This A Common Test?

The biggest difference you’re going to find at our clinic is the testing in noise. There’s nobody in this area that tests hearing in noise or speech and noise. This is to see what your ability is when you walk into that noisy restaurant. We then fit the hearing aids on you if needed.

We’re also going to test you in noise to verify that the hearing aids themselves are improving you in that situation. The other thing that we do that none of the other clinics in the area do is a 3D scan of your ear.

This way, you’ll be able to see a model of your ear, which is pretty cool. And we’ll be able to verify which hearing aid styles are going to work for you.

Is This Different Than A Standard Hearing Assessment?

We perform this test above and beyond a regular hearing test. Most clinics only do the hearing assessment, which is great, but so much of our time is spent surrounded by different sounds.

At Flex Audiology, we want to ensure your hearing is strong no matter what situation you find yourself in.

What Are The Disadvantages Of The Regular Hearing Test?

If you can hear a noise and I fit you appropriately with hearing aids, you should be able to do really, really well. So, we must verify that the actual device we picked is working for you.

But if for some reason you don’t have that ability, then we’re going to look at other options like accessories, remote mics, TV connectors, things like that.

The other difference from a traditional basic hearing test is that we are a professional doctoring facility, not a retail clinic.

We have the ability to do additional diagnostic tests. So, if during the course of evaluating your hearing we see something, we can do additional testing.

We’ll then be able to send those results to your primary care doctor and start medical treatment.

What Happens At A Hearing Assessment?

Initial Conversation – We want to get to know you first and your listening environments. Discovering how your hearing ended up this way will help us devise a plan for your future.

Standard Hearing Assessment – We perform the beep test that everyone is familiar with to get an initial idea of the status of your hearing. We will also do some word recognition tests as well.

Speech In Noise Test – This is where we see how your hearing performs in real-life settings. Our unique testing method can tell us exactly how to get the most out of your hearing and what tools will help you the most.

Testing Summary – After all the tests are complete, we go through the results with you and explain our findings. Now that we have all this information, we can discuss your best options for treatment.

How Do I Get A Test?

Scheduling your test has never been easier. You can do it online through our booking page, or you can call us anytime to arrange an appointment that works best for you.

We are always standing by to help you and the local people in Lawrenceburg get the most from their hearing. Contact us anytime if you need help or just have questions regarding your hearing health. 

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Dr. Person Au.D

Dr. Person has been a private practice owner since 2005. She currently specializes in hearing aids, tinnitus management and vestibular diagnostics, while operating in an unbundled service delivery model. Dr. Person is the host of The Unbundled Audiologist podcast. She serves as the incoming VP of Audiology for ISHA for a three year term. Her greatest accomplishment is creating a life where she can serve others while still spending quality time with her husband and two small children.
