Allowing You to Access What You Need Without Paying For What You Don’t
Nobody wants to pay for things that they do not need, yet hearing care has traditionally created bundled packages which means that you often end up paying for services and appointments that you do not need, nor utilize.
At Flex Audiology, we prefer a much fairer unbundled approach.
This is where you only pay for what you need with a number of options available to help you to step into great hearing technology to suit your individual needs, circumstances and budget.
With transparency being incredibly important to us, we want to ensure you have a full understanding of the price of our packages prior to visiting us. However, it’s difficult to give you an accurate quote unless we first know some information about what you’re looking for.
Therefore, please answer this short questionnaire (which doesn’t ask for your contact information) and it will direct you to the relevant pricing based on your preferences.